Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Disappearance of Jamie Rochelle Grissim

 On December 7th in the year of 1971 a young woman by the name of Jaimie Rochelle Grissim left her school on the way home however she never made it home. Ever since that day people have searched for her body. At first the police believed that she was just a runaway but that claim was proven wrong when they found the contents of her purse. For years many people have searched for any actual proof for what happened to her. After logical research and studying the timeline of this case I have come to the logical conclusion that the person responsible for this crime was Warren Forest.

During my investigation I have learned of interesting revolving connections within the area. Over fifty years ago Warren Forest was found guilty for the murder and assault of a young woman named Martha Morrison. Ms.Morrison went missing three years after Ms Grissim went missing as well. Throughout the years Forest was credited as well as being suspected of having a pattern of both murdering and assaulting many young girls throughout Clark County. For six days a total of thirty witnesses testified that Forrest was the one who abducted a woman ,but was able to escape.  

While studying the timeline of the case I saw an interesting pattern as I  saw the locations of the events. I saw that the many other girls within the area went missing around the same time Ms.Grissim went missing, many of which were confirmed kills of Forest himself. One certain location was where her belongings were found. It was at that very same location that the remains of two young women were found. One of them was in fact Martha Morrison as it was discovered in the DNA evidence while the other was so old that it was impossible to perform the test. It is highly likely that given the location and age of the remains these are the remains of the Ms.Grissim. 

In conclusion, I have come to the person responsible for this crime is Warren Forest. Given the fact that he has been credited for the murders and assault of many other young women within the area just miles apart from each other. While at the same time a second remains was found along with the remains of Ms.Morrison was found in the same vicinity of her belongings. It would be highly logical to assume that he’s not guilty for just this murder,but for every other murder in the area. This is John Henrick saying…………………….


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