Friday, November 20, 2020


 Forty years ago on October 27,1981 a woman named Lily Ann Prendergast's skeletal remains  was found on the side of the interstate in Sacramento California. This cold case is considered to be a homicide by the local police and by the FBI. However, because they cannot seem to find some sort of cause of death or even show an autopsy report I do not believe that this is the case. Even on the skeletal remains they should have been able to find some sort of evidence that would lead them to a homicide, but they have not been able to present such information. Based on the lack of evidence for a homicide I have no choice, but to rule this case out as a death of natural causes. 

Based on the evidence I've seen gathered none of it really points towards an homicide. The FBI report states that she was last seen leaving her parents home after a big argument in Dallas Texas. It's more than likely that this argument must have made her so angry at her parents that she wanted to be away from him as far as possible this worried her parents so much this caused to file a missing persons report. We must also factor in the fact that the body was found on the side of an interstate if this was a homicide why would it be left on the side of the road. If Ms. Prendergast was actually murdered her body wouldn't have left it in such an clear spot.  

The FBI file also tells that she was known for hitch hiking this one fact places her at the scene itself. A logical assumption is that she was out hitch hiking, but due to a terrible accident she soon fell to her injuries and sadly she died. Based on the factors of the landscape it is scientifically proven that it takes only three weeks for a human body to decompose into a skeleton. The local Police themselves believed that Ms. Prendergast met her death five months enough time for the body to decompose into her skeletal remains. 

In Conclusion, based on a lack of evidence and without any kind of leads I have no choice, but to rule this case a death of natural causes. The evidence that has been collected in this report shows that it lines up the assumptions I have made. In this line work we cannot just say that there is someone to blame for a death . This John Henrick saying...............................




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