Friday, October 9, 2020

The Murder of Rochelle Stubblefield

       In recent days a man known as Derron Fuller was accused of killing a 20 year old pregnant woman named Rochelle Stubblefield. While everyone believes that this man killed this woman I say that this accusation is incorrect. I do indeed believe that he this woman, but I'm not convinced that he killed her. Yes it's true that there are testimonies stacked against him, but I don't believe them, for they provided inaccurate details. As what I am I refuse to let this innocent man go to jail for a crime he did not commit. Through much investigation I have come to the conclusion the killer of this crime was Derron Fuller's girlfriend at the time.


             In my investigation I saw the truth in the records the police investigated this case for five years and came up with no real evidence. The only thing thing that links Mr. Fuller to this crime is the inaccurate testimonies of three people. He allegedly said he didn't know Ms. Stubblefield and the child she was carrying wasn't his. If what he said was that means he lied Ms. Stubblefield's pregnancy can be traced from eight months ago. The records state that Mr. Fuller was involved with a woman back in 2015 around the same time of the murder.



                  It's possible that he cheated on his girlfriend and slept with Ms. Stubblefield and by intern accidentally getting her pregnant. The girlfriend found out however, and began to hate Ms. Stubblefield so that she wanted to kill and her unborn child. This gives her a motive wanting to take revenge on both him and Ms. Stublefield at the same time killing her and getting him to take the blame. It's also possible that the two people who said that he confessed to killing Ms. Stubblefield probably was in fact his cousins, but thought was wrong so they helped them. They told the police that the body was buried behind William Elementary School. 


              I would believe that except for that one thing they said the body was "behind the William Elementary", School", but when the police searched the whole area they found nothing. It stands to reason that they put the body in a river to let the current drift it away from the area. What they wanted to do was get rid of all real evidence so that all that the police could charge him was their testimonies.

              In conclusion I have come to the single fact that Mr. Fuller's girlfriend is the one that committed this crime. To know the name of this woman ask Mr. Fuller assuming that the police already have the name and refusing to act. While I agree with what he did was wrong he doesn't deserve to go to jail for a crime he didn't committee. This is John Henrick saying..............



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