Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Princess Blue Murder

          On September 10, in the year 1990 a man was walking on the side of the road he found human bones with the skull in the tire.  This was Julie Davis or as she is commonly known as Princes Blue. Crimes like these are worst than many if the past crimes I've investigated. Through much research and running through all the possibilities of the case I have come to the conclusion that this crime was caused by her siblings.

            Obviously this was a not a one man job this took multiple people to conduct this crime. Ms. Davis's brother Danny Davis said that their other sister Shelly had met this husband Ms. Davis had married at the age of 18.This one fact is evidence, because of the fact that they were unable to tell the name of this so called "husband" nor could anyone find a second body at the scene. Another interesting thing about the body it takes many years for the human body to decay. The bones were found after three years she disappeared there still should have been some kind of remanence of hair, organs, or even blood  this stands to reason that the body itself was burned to death. When something like hair is burned it will never grow back and when bones are burned they cause fracture patterns.

                  The idea of this crime was to simulate a car accident, however they was no car at the scene. They could concocted the whole thing when in reality they murdered her by burning her alive that made it look like the ribs were fractured. This would be convincing, but they found the skull in a tire then her brother comes along and use his blood to confirm her identity in order to keep him from being a suspect. 

                      In Conclusion, I believe that this murder was initially caused by her siblings. As for the ring this was just to throw everyone off, because Ms. Davis had no connection to Robert E. Lee High. All the stories they made was just a cover story to cover up the fact that committed a murder. This is John Henrick saying........






Friday, October 9, 2020

The Murder of Rochelle Stubblefield

       In recent days a man known as Derron Fuller was accused of killing a 20 year old pregnant woman named Rochelle Stubblefield. While everyone believes that this man killed this woman I say that this accusation is incorrect. I do indeed believe that he this woman, but I'm not convinced that he killed her. Yes it's true that there are testimonies stacked against him, but I don't believe them, for they provided inaccurate details. As what I am I refuse to let this innocent man go to jail for a crime he did not commit. Through much investigation I have come to the conclusion the killer of this crime was Derron Fuller's girlfriend at the time.


             In my investigation I saw the truth in the records the police investigated this case for five years and came up with no real evidence. The only thing thing that links Mr. Fuller to this crime is the inaccurate testimonies of three people. He allegedly said he didn't know Ms. Stubblefield and the child she was carrying wasn't his. If what he said was that means he lied Ms. Stubblefield's pregnancy can be traced from eight months ago. The records state that Mr. Fuller was involved with a woman back in 2015 around the same time of the murder.



                  It's possible that he cheated on his girlfriend and slept with Ms. Stubblefield and by intern accidentally getting her pregnant. The girlfriend found out however, and began to hate Ms. Stubblefield so that she wanted to kill and her unborn child. This gives her a motive wanting to take revenge on both him and Ms. Stublefield at the same time killing her and getting him to take the blame. It's also possible that the two people who said that he confessed to killing Ms. Stubblefield probably was in fact his cousins, but thought was wrong so they helped them. They told the police that the body was buried behind William Elementary School. 


              I would believe that except for that one thing they said the body was "behind the William Elementary", School", but when the police searched the whole area they found nothing. It stands to reason that they put the body in a river to let the current drift it away from the area. What they wanted to do was get rid of all real evidence so that all that the police could charge him was their testimonies.

              In conclusion I have come to the single fact that Mr. Fuller's girlfriend is the one that committed this crime. To know the name of this woman ask Mr. Fuller assuming that the police already have the name and refusing to act. While I agree with what he did was wrong he doesn't deserve to go to jail for a crime he didn't committee. This is John Henrick saying..............



Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Death of Alonzo Brooks

       On May 1 in the year 2004 in La Cygne, Kansas a body was found this was the  dead body of Alonzo Brooks. The body was found by his family this shouldn't have happened a family should've ever found a dead body of a family member. It was believed that this crime was a raciest hate crime that there was someone to blame.  I don't believe that this is the case while one would say his friend is to blame would be a good choice I just don't believe this was the case as well. Through much research I have come to the logical conclusion that his death was completely circumstantial.

           It's completely understandable that everyone would think that someone committed this crime that was someone to blame. However if this was the case there would some kind of damage to the body nor was he dragged into the creek. According, to the autopsy the body "did not show any signs of physical injuries, like broken bones, lacerations, or gunshot wounds". This is the biggest piece of evidence proving that no one had something to do with this. I know Dr. Erik was accused of harvesting organs without permission, but the fact of the matter is he would never harvest the organs of a damaged body.  

              Now some people would say that this was all caused by the friend of Mr. Brook's Justin Sprague was really responsible for this whole thing. According, to the record Justin drove him to the party, but left to find some cigarettes' he said that he got "lost" trying to find his way back to the party. I don't believe him how could he get lost if he was able to find his way the first time. It's very possible that when he left and got "lost" Mr. Brooks was left without a way home over the spend of a month as he tried to find his way home he slowly died without food or water. This would explain why none of the items in his pocket was wet they were all dry. 

                In conclusion I believe that the death of Alonzo Brooks was completely circumstantial. I don't believe Justin caused the whole thing, but rather this was the result of his stupidity. As for Dr. Erik I don't believe he had anything to with it either he was just a man who saw opportunity to harvest organs. As I said before if there was someone to blame there would be some kind of damage to the body, but there was nothing. This is John Henrik saying...….