Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Murder of Jonbenet Ramsey

         Christmas is a time of happiness and joy when people can enjoy each others  company and not worry about anything. However in the Year of 1996 on December 25 a terrible murder occurred one that would be a new low for the criminal underworld. This was the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey a six-year old American child beauty who was strangled to death in the basement of her house. Who ever did this awful thing must be brought to justice they must know justice. This man was a man who killed this girl for no other reason other than his madness. Based on much research and analyzation I have come to the conclusion that one who committed this awful crime is Bill McrReynolds.

              In my investigation I came across many an interesting facts about McReynolds. During the holidays he would work as the town Santa, was a friend of Ramsey's father, and would entertain children at the Patsy's Christmas gatherings every year. The site states "McReynolds was rumored to have paid a little too much attention to Jonbenet, going so far as to arrange a secret visit from Santa Claus on Christmas''.  This man paid too much attention to this girl and went to far as arrange a secret visit which tells us that this man had a way of entrance into the house. Also, on the site it states "Supposedly he had chosen Jonbenet to be his "special friend" going so far as to bring a vial of glitter gifted to him by the six-year old with him into heart surgery". The killer of this crime would have to have some kind of obsession with the victim these act he did shows he had some sort of obsession the Jonbenent.

              Some say that it was highly unlikely that McReynolds committed this terrible crime, however has accumulated a list of evidence. The site states "Amothe little boy who was also a special friend of Bill McReynolds was murdered 7 years before Jonbenet". This brings up suspicion if he had a special friend 7 years before the death of the victim it would show that he would some sort of experience in doing this type of thing. Not too mention, on the site it was recorded that he wrote Jonbenet a Santa Claus card it was found in the trash of the victim's home. Now that raises a question why or how could there be a hand written Santa Claus card for the victim in the trash of her him an accurate and logical accusation would be that this was a poor attempt to get rid of evidence.

                 In conclusion, I believe Bill McReynolds is the killer behind the murder of Jobenet Rmasey. It was stated that McReynolds requested that the glitter from the vial gifted to him by the victim to mixed with his ashes. It is also worth mentioning that McReynolds wife wrote a play where in onr act a child was killed in the basement of their home back in 1974. This is John Henrik saying......


Image result for jonbenet ramsey

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