Thursday, February 27, 2020

The boy in the box

          On February 25,1957 something was terrible was discovered a small infant boy in a box. This was the boy in the box a boy who was beaten, suffered finally killed. This poor kid was only a four years old when he died. Whoever did this, whoever had the nerves to take the life of this innocent child needs to be brought to justice. Through much research I have come to the conclusion that the boy was the son of Arthur and Anna  Nicoletti, but it was Arthur and Catherine Nicoleti that committed this murder.

            First off I must mention that Anna was the daughter  of Arthur and Catherine, and was considered mentally ill and therefore to sick to live on her own. Now the evidence that was collected for this case is interesting actually, for there is an interesting clue that the Nicolettis committed this crime. The fact the child was never identified with a name, or the fact that theses people never filed a missing person report. It's very possible that they didn't want him or care about him enough to give him a name. According to the boy in the box Anna had gave birth to four children. However, when they were questioned for the murder they only had three children one of them was killed by electrocution. In the terms of foster children they had 5 to 25 foster children, but when questioned they only had 8 foster children.Which raises the question they how many more children died it truly does raise the suspicion that their kids died out of the blue like that.

               Another piece in the case is that when the house was being auction the house the detective found something interested. The first was a small crib similar to the box that held the boy in the box. The second clue was a duck pond it's possible that they took him and dropped him the pond, and kept hitting his head in the pond while at the same time drowning him to death. This would explain why the boy's hand and feet were wet and why his face was battered.

                 In conclusion, I believe that Arthur Catherine Nicoletti are the killers behind the boy in the box murder.  All those children they had and some of them just out the blue that type of thing raises suspicion. Also, the fact that they refused to  a lie detector test ,why would they do that what would they have to hide. This John Henrik saying........

Image result for the boy in the box


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Icebox Murder

        On June 23,1965 a gruesome murder took place human, flesh, and organs were found stuffed into the freezer. This terrible act was committed by a person who was angry. This person wanted nothing more than for these people to suffer. However, I believe that the person here was more of a victim than the actual victims. In my investigation I have come to the logical conclusion that the killer of this crime was in fact Charles Rogers the killer of his parents Fred and Edwina Rogers.


             In my investigation I found that Charles Rogers was the only suspect of the crime.According to it states that "But the police didn't get the chance to speak to Charles, despite a nationwide manhunt". That's a little suspicious, because despite an entire search of the nation they could not find this man. However, on it stated "They contended that he skipped town for Mexico, hiding with the help of his connections in oil and mining". Why would he need to skip town and head straight for Mexico, the answer is simple he knew he would be figured out as the killer, so he ran.

              While Charles Rogers is the killer of this crime I believe that he was more of a victim than a criminal. According, to it states "The Gardiniers say that Charles was physically and emotionally abused by his parents well into adulthood, and that at the end of their lives they were defrauding him by forging his signature on deeds of land that he owned. Charles owned the house they all lived in not his parents, and Edwina had apparently taken out loans on it and pocketed the money". This man was betrayed by the very people who is supposed to trust no matter. However, they abused and took advantage of him through out his entire childhood and well into his adulthood.

                  In Conclusion, I believe that Charles Rogers is the Killer behind the icebox murder. What reason would a man need to skip town for Mexico, for no other than that he committed a murder. However, while Charles Rogers did commit this murder he is not the one to truly be blamed for this crime. He was abused and betrayed by his own parents people who he was suppose to trust out of everyone in the world. This is John Henrik saying


Image result for charles rogers icebox murder

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Murder of Jonbenet Ramsey

         Christmas is a time of happiness and joy when people can enjoy each others  company and not worry about anything. However in the Year of 1996 on December 25 a terrible murder occurred one that would be a new low for the criminal underworld. This was the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey a six-year old American child beauty who was strangled to death in the basement of her house. Who ever did this awful thing must be brought to justice they must know justice. This man was a man who killed this girl for no other reason other than his madness. Based on much research and analyzation I have come to the conclusion that one who committed this awful crime is Bill McrReynolds.

              In my investigation I came across many an interesting facts about McReynolds. During the holidays he would work as the town Santa, was a friend of Ramsey's father, and would entertain children at the Patsy's Christmas gatherings every year. The site states "McReynolds was rumored to have paid a little too much attention to Jonbenet, going so far as to arrange a secret visit from Santa Claus on Christmas''.  This man paid too much attention to this girl and went to far as arrange a secret visit which tells us that this man had a way of entrance into the house. Also, on the site it states "Supposedly he had chosen Jonbenet to be his "special friend" going so far as to bring a vial of glitter gifted to him by the six-year old with him into heart surgery". The killer of this crime would have to have some kind of obsession with the victim these act he did shows he had some sort of obsession the Jonbenent.

              Some say that it was highly unlikely that McReynolds committed this terrible crime, however has accumulated a list of evidence. The site states "Amothe little boy who was also a special friend of Bill McReynolds was murdered 7 years before Jonbenet". This brings up suspicion if he had a special friend 7 years before the death of the victim it would show that he would some sort of experience in doing this type of thing. Not too mention, on the site it was recorded that he wrote Jonbenet a Santa Claus card it was found in the trash of the victim's home. Now that raises a question why or how could there be a hand written Santa Claus card for the victim in the trash of her him an accurate and logical accusation would be that this was a poor attempt to get rid of evidence.

                 In conclusion, I believe Bill McReynolds is the killer behind the murder of Jobenet Rmasey. It was stated that McReynolds requested that the glitter from the vial gifted to him by the victim to mixed with his ashes. It is also worth mentioning that McReynolds wife wrote a play where in onr act a child was killed in the basement of their home back in 1974. This is John Henrik saying......


Image result for jonbenet ramsey

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Case of the Disembodied Feet

     On Jedediah island on August in the year 2007 a hiker found something interesting, it was a disembodied foot. These feet have been found a consecutive number of times washed up on a beach. All of these feet have been found from 2007 all the way up to 2016 appearing in in different sizes. When the feet were found there was no note or a ransom note which tell us that this wasn't some criminal calling card or a ransom kidnapping. Based, off research and analyzation I have come to the logical conclusion that these feet were the result of human trafficking and when the victim died and therefore had no more use they were thrown out into the ocean and due natural causes the feet broke off the body and washed up to shore.

          In the past years recent evidence of this case have shown that the DNA of the feet have been matched up with people who have gone missing in the past. According, to it states "A right foot was found on the Jedidiah Island. DNA analysis linked this foot to a male that went missing in 2004". This piece of evidence shows that a person was kidnapped, and three years later this man's foot washed on the beach since we only found his foot we can assume that the man himself is dead. also states that all the rest of the feet found had DNA matched up to people that went missing two or three years prior.

       The feet were found on the shores of many beaches, believed to be the calling card of some killer, however I don't believe that this is the case. states "The coroner says after examining the feet, it appears both disarticulated naturally due to prolonged immersion in water". This is proof that this is no calling card of some criminal, because according to the coroner the feet came off the body naturally. McLintok even says that this these amputations were not the act of any "Strange serial killers". These evidence are solid facts that these feet were no the result of amputation acts serial killers.

           In conclusion, these feet were the result of human trafficking and natural causes. The people of whom the feet belong to were reported missing two or three years prior before the incident. It's extremely likely that these missing people were the result of kidnapping for human trafficking. Not too mention, the autopsy proves that the feet came off naturally due to long exposure of the water. This is John Henrik saying...........


Image result for the case of the disembodied feet


Monday, February 3, 2020

The Murder of Patricia Denise Palmer

     On November of 1981 in Tulsa Oklahoma a woman was murdered in her bathtub this woman's name was Denise Palmer. This woman in particular was living a happy life with her husband and high school sweetheart Randy Palmer. She even once send to her her mother "Life is almost too perfect",but life has a funny way of showing itself. Her life was taken by a person who was nothing more than a psychopath. For this murder I have reason to believe that the murder of this crime  is Paul Williford.


          Paul Wilford was a man who according to his file "Confessed to chocking two women to death". The file also says that these murders were just ten minutes away from where Ms.Palmer liven and it was all on the same day.  These two women who were killed by Williford were killed in the same manner as Ms.Palmer. I believe that this is no coincidence these murders were all on the same day, and ten minutes away from the home of Ms. Palmer's home. Not too mention, the women were killed in the same manner as the other women, so it's more than possible that this man is behind this murder.

            Now I believe that new evidence has revealed that Paul Willford is the murderer, because of    According to the true crime it states "He was in prison  from 1987 until 1995 serving part of a 21-year sentence for robbing and almost strangling a woman in her 60s to death". Now it may seem unlikely, because the women killed by Williford  are much older than Ms.Palmer. However I ask this question do the criminally insane require an excuses to kill? 

In conclusion,I have come to the logical conclusion that Paul Willford is the killer behind the murder of Denise Palmer. This man was convicted for killing women in the same manner as Ms.Palmer all on the same day. He was also convicted of murdering many more it is true he confused to many more, yet it's likely he's killed many more. These likely evidence based on logical facts and circumstances are the logistic reason why I believe Paul Willford is the killer. This John Henrik saying........

Image result for the denise palmer murder