Monday, January 27, 2020

The Zodiac Killer

      In the years of the 1960's and 1970's Northern California was terrorized by a man who called himself the Zodiac Killer. In his span of crimes he killed many people mostly couples plus a simple taxi driver trying to make a living. In one of his many letters he used to taunt the police he said "I enjoy killing, because it's, so much fun". He was not just crazy he was smart this man committed his crimes at night in a secluded area where there no wittinesses. There were no fingerprints, no DNA, and no real evidence to actually put him away directly. It was because of this that this man was ruled out as a a suspect. I have come to the conclusion that the infamous Zodiac Killer is Arthur Leigh Allen.

   I know he was ruled out because most of the evidence on him was from the many testimonies of his friends and family, but what do people who love and care about him have to gain from lying about him. On the site it states "Allen's former friend,Don Cheney reported to police that Allen wanted to call himself Zodiac and kill couples at random". That quote fits the Zodiac Killer's M.O. as most of his victims were random couples. Also, on it states "Later, Micheal Mageau, a victim who survived one of the Zodiac Killer's attacks identified Allen as the killer in another murder". It's one of these things that make Allen the Zodiac Killer as out of all of the suspects he was identified as the killer.

      When researching the many connections of the victims I learned that Allen had a unique connection to the victims.  According to Allen's Crime Report File it states that "Allen was living seven minutes from the Lake Herman Rd. crime scene". Allen was only living seven minutes away from the crime scene of the Zodiac Killer's first crime scene he could've easily drove up to the soon to be crime scene killed the couple drove back to his home, and pretend that nothing ever happened. It also states on his Crime Report File "In 1991, the search warrant executed by VPD revealed Allen owned the same type of ammunition used to kill the victims of the Zodiac's Lake Herman Rd. attack. Allen owned the same weapon and ammunition used to kill the couple and he lived only seven minutes from the crime scene it was the perfect crime all he had to do was wear a glove, so they wouldn't be able to find his fingerprints.  In the case of the Blue Rock Springs on July 4,1969 the file states that one of the victims Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin worked at a dinner that was 1/10 from Allen's home who visited regularly, the file also says that Allen admitted to being fond of Ms. Ferrin. In the case of Lake Berryessa on September 27,1969 the report states "Zodiac left a foot size 10.5 at the crime scene. According, to the police report Allen wore 10.5". In the murder of Paul Stine him and Allen were friends he was killed on Allen's birthday every time there's a holiday that was significant to him someone close to him dies.
          In conclusion I believe that Arthur Leigh Allen is the notorious killer known as the Zodiac Killer. He unique connection to all of the victims of the Zodiac Killer. He was also in ownership of a  watch that had the same symbols of the letters the Zodiac Killer used in his letters. He was also in possession of the same weapons the Zodiac Killer used. This is John Henrick saying.......

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