Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Tamam Shud Case

 On December 1,1948 on Australia's Somerton Beach many beachgoers walked on the beach, but the people saw something unexpected. While walking on the beach the people saw a mysterious well dressed body dead body laying on the beach. This case has eluded the authorities for many years unable to find out exactly what happened or who this man was. Through much research of this particular case I have come to the logical conclusion that the cause of death of this man was suicide by overuse of alcohol and cigerattes.

It's obvious that the sight the man's body was found was this man's most well visited location, as said by many witnesses a month before his death. My source of this case said "One couple remembers raising his arm as if drunkenly to light a cigeratte". This couple seeing him at this location smoking in a drunken state is proof that this man was once a smoke addict and an alcoholic. Another piece of evidence to this claim is that another witness said "Another recalls seeing mosquitoes buzzing around in his face and thinking that he was too drunk to wave them away''. These people could plainly see that was in fact an alcoholic and a smoke addict all combined with the fact that he was wearing a well dressed suit and a well polished shoes it can be logically determined that this man was previously successful, but had unfortunately fell under.

The main part of this case that baffled the authorities for so many years was the cause of death. According, to my source after being taken to an initial inspection the body showed no signs of being stabbed, shot, or injured at all in any way. Later the files also say that after a ''subsequent'' test the man's body was shown to have no traces of poison at all. These facts alone are proof that this man was not the victim of a murdered or poisoning. Knowing that his death was not caused by an outside factor it proves that the cause of death could have been no less than intentional.

In Conclusion the cause of death of The Somerton Man was intentional suicide by overuse of alcohol and cigarettes. It's obvious that this man was seen in the specific sight he was found in on a daily basis. The biggest evidence is that there is completely no sign of murder or poison proving that it is not a murder. This is John Henrick saying..................................................................... 


Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Murder of Melissa Wolfenbarger

    In the year 1998 a woman by the name of Melissa Wolfenbarger was declared missing after months of never being seen or heard from. After, months and months of searching her remains were found in the trash can of a restaurant. Mrs.Wolfenbarger was a young woman who didn't deserve the fate that was given to her she was someone who was kind, trusting, and a good mother. She didn't deserve to die this is the very reason why I am here to finally give this woman and her family the justice they deserve. As I investigated this case deeper and deeper I have come to the logical conclusion that the murderer of this crime was her husband Christopher Wolfenbarger. 

     In my investigation I learned of many interesting facts that lead me to this conclusion. One of these facts was that the person who put out the missing persons report was not Christopher, but her mother. When I learned of this I thought of this why would her husband the closest person to her at this point in her life go for months without filing the report. Another fact is that when Mrs.Wolfenbarger's remains were found he refused to cooperate with the investigation. It just didn't make sense to me why on earth would you refuse to cooperate to solve the murder of you own wife, unless of course you were trying to cover up something related to the crime itself.

       The investigation of this crime lead to a new connection in this case. Later on in the year after months of Mrs.Wolfenbarger was consider missing here remains were found in the trash cans of the same restaurant Christopher worked. Being an employee at the restaurant gave would in fact give him the access to the sharp objects he needed to horribly cut up Mrs.Wolfenbarger. He then would have tried to cover his tracks by cleaning the blood off of what he used to commit the murder. The connection between these facts are way too slim to just be a simple coincidence.

         In conclusion I have come to the logical conclusion that the murderer of Melissa Wolfenbarger was Christopher Wolfenbarger. The facts and connections surrounding this entire case are just way too close together to just be a coincidence. Not too mention, the two were in an abusive relationship, one that made it possible, for it too take a terrible turn for the worst. It also made him even more guilty when hardly put little to no effort towards helping solve the murder. This John Henrik saying.......................


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Dorothy Jane Scott

  Dorothy Jane Scott a kind hearted person, a good mother, and a good person overall. The fate she was given was not the fate she deserved. Her body was found on August 6,1984,but all that was left of here was here skeleton a death no one deserves.  She was stalked and was driven into fear, for not only for herself, but for her child. Through much investigation of this I have to the conclusion that the person responsible for this crime is the father of  her son.

  As I read through the files of this case it was  said that Ms. Scott received many threatening phone calls . It is also said that the parents of Ms. Scott recognized the voice of this person who called them it's safe to assume the same person who committed the murder. The profile also said that while taking one of her co-workers to the hospital she was kidnapped while getting the car in the parking lot. In order to do this that person was obviously stocking her. Another interesting fact is that her co-worker's condition was of a black-widow spider bite. This is an interesting coincidence what are the odds that her co-worker gets a spider bite on the same day she goes missing it's very logical that this very same person caused all of this to happen. 

My sources say that Ms. Scott was a woman who never was a drinker, never did drugs, and never went out she preferred to stay inside with her son. This important detail would mean that the father was the last man she had contact with. It's also said that he was living in some far distant location as far as she knew anyway. Being the mother of his child he would be to know where she was at all times and to be able to properly locate her. Not too mention, it's interesting how after her death he was no where to be found. 

In conclusion, I believe that the father of her own son was responsible to this crime. It's obvious that this was no ordinary person if her parents recognized his voice. Also, how can a woman  who doesn't go out be killed this could single him out. Not too mention, no one would to suspect him, because he was always said to be out of the picture. This is John Henrik saying.....................



Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Smiling Face Killer

 For the past twenty-four years there has been a theory floating around the nation of America. This theory is known as the Smiling Face Killer gang, people believed that they don't exist. However, I am here to say that they are very real. For years these people  have killed good honest men with a bright future. I refuse to let these killers go un punished. Through my investigation of this case I have come to the conclusion that these many crimes were caused by a domestic terrorism group that originated in the state of New York. 

The retired detective Kevin Gannon was correct this was the act of a terrorist group as I investigated this case is saw what all of the victims had in common. All victims of this case were young college white men who were excellent athletes as well as great academic achievers they were seen as the best of the best. They all left a bar at the time of their disappearance at night and their bodies were found in a water attributed location. All autopsy show that there was no real damage to the body leaving me to believe that the victims were killed using an untraceable poison. As the years passed many clusters of murders began to appear across the country way to many for just one man. 

These facts lead me to the conclusion that these crimes were committed by a secret organization. This leads up to one question why. These men were seen to be people of excellent status, because of this the killers saw to kill them to show that even the best of men could fall. After analyzing the many victims I've seen that the first murder occurred in the state of New York which leads me to believe that this organization was both founded and the headquarters is located in New York City. I believe that the members of the organization befriended the victims in order to gain there trust to be able to kill them more easily. 

In conclusion, the Smiling Face Killing organization is located in New York. The killing strategy of the victims as well as the cluster of the murder is to complex for one man to think and to many for one man to commit. These victims deserve justice for what happened to them the people of this organization are guilty and should be held to the full extent of the law. This is John Henrick saying..............................