Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Chicago Tylenol Poisening

                   In the city of Chicago in the year of 1982 a horrible massacre occurred it was known as the Chicago Tylenol Poisoning. This massacre was the catalyst to the death of seven people good innocent lives. From what I gather the person who did this didn't have any connections to the victims and even if he did he couldn't account for them getting the poisoned Tylenol. This crime was committed by someone who tried to collect a large some of money. Through my investigation of this crime and with great research I have come to the conclusion that person behind the Chicago Tylenol Poisoning is James Lewis.

                     In my investigation of this case I came across interesting evidence on Lewis of what he did years after the incident. According, abc news it states "After the murders he served 12 years in prison for writing an extortion letter to Johnson and Johnson the markers of Tylenol saying that if they paid 1million dollars they could stop the killing". Evidence like this raises one interesting question.  If he truly was innocent why would he write letter to Johnson & Johnson saying to pay him 1 million dollars to "Stop the killing".

                         As moved through my research I came across an interesting testimony regarding the case. On the site known as a man named August Locallo said "Basically, the FBI had him in custody, and by the time we got to New York, he had his attorney and he wouldn't talk to us". That's another thing that raises a question if  he was an innocent man why would he feel the need to hide behind his attorney.

                              In conclusion I believe that James W. Lewis was the man behind the Chicago Tylenol Poisoning. Why would this man write a letter to the company saying to pay him a million dollars to "Stop the killing". Not too mention, August Locallo firmly believed that Lewis was in fact capable of murder. This is John Henrik saying...............

CASE CLOSED.                         

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